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Friday, October 5, 2012

Hack Facebook Account With Tabnabbing

how to hack Hack Facebook Account Using Tabnabbing

Hello Friends,
I received many emails from my reader for request an article on Facebook Phishing (If Don’t know about Phishing Click Here). So today I will teach you the very popular Facebook hacking method, which is Tabnabbing Few time ago I publish an article on Different ways to hack any Facebook account so read it first for more understand.

Tabnabbing and Tabnapping is the modern type of phishing attack. It is quite different from the original Phishing method. The tabnabbing works on the concept of the meta refresh means it refresh the page after some time and works on the multiple tabs, how tabnabbing works click here.
facebook tabnabbing
Follow the below steps for hack Facebook account:-
Step 1:- Download Facebook phishing page click Here. In this package you will get 4 files.
    • Index.php[Facebook Phishing Page]
    • Next.php [Redirect to thanks.php after storing the password on passwords.html]
    • Passwords.html [it store the UserName and Password]
    • Thanks.php[Redirect to the Original Page of Facebook after few seconds]
Step 2:- Upload All the file on any free webhosting account like as t35, my3gb, 110mb etc
Step 3:- After successful Uploading Open the index.php file and send the link of this page to your victims.
Step 4:- When the victims enter their username and passwords on your phishing page then it will redirect to the original page and the passwords are stored on the passwords.html file.


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