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Monday, November 26, 2012

Earn Money Online:Easily

earn money online
Hi friends, I have provided you some tricks to get free recharges and online earning tricks. Now, I have a site which pays a handsome amount just for viewing ads daily. This site is PROFIBUX. This site pays $0.10 for per click and the minimum payout is $20. You can get your earned money in your payza account (unfortunately, this site doesn't send payments in paypal account). You can earn minimum $1 per day if you view ads only. But you can earn some additional amount for referrals also.

So, to get started with your earnings, follow the steps below:

> Visit this site : CLICK HERE
> Fill the registration form.

registration form
> Now verify your registered mail id and login.

> After logging in, click SURF ADS button.

surf ads
> List of available ads will appear.

list of available ads
> Click the links one by one. Ad will appear in a new window with a 20 seconds timer. Wait for the timer to be completed at 0.

click the ads one by one
WARNING: Don't open multiple ads at a single time. Click one link and then the ad page will appear and the timer will start. Don't navigate to any other page and don't open any other ad. When the timer stops, a "green correct" symbol will appear. Now close the tab and then open other ad. If you open multiple ads without finishing the time period of previous ad, you will not be credited for the ad.

timer starts

click validated
> Now, after clicking ads and validating the clicks, the ad list will expire and will be changed into strikethrough text.

ads expired
> Now, after watching all the ads, click STATS button.

> You will see your earned amount.

That's all you needed. Simply login to your account each day and click the ads. After making $20, you can get your payments in your payza account.

> When your account balance crosses $20, then you can request for payment. Click CASHOUT as shown in the image.

payout request

get cash via payza
> Now, a notification will appear. Now, profibux team will check your account and if everything will be fine and legal, you will get the cash within 5 to 10 days after making payment request.

payment request completed
> Enjoy.

Note: To get payments in your bank account, you must be having a verified PAYZA account. To create a payza account, visit www.payza.com


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